Register your Hotel, Bed & Breakfast, Apartment, Cottage or Villa
Try with the free offer
New opportunities to seize every day
36850 € of nights await you on Rennatto
Totally free and without constraints
Unlike other OTAs, no commission, no commitment, no clause on overnight rates.
You are free to use our services or not, to register or unsubscribe at any time.
Worldwide exposure
Fast, simple et secure, our platform gives you personalized access from which you can consult and respond to requests from Internet users around the world looking for accommodation for a short stay in the geographical area of your hotel, bed and breakfast, guest room, apartment or villa. This will give you worldwide coverage to reach new customers.
Secure payment
Our platform also gives you the possibility to manage for you the collection of deposit paid by the client when validating the quote and pays you back at the end of the stay.
Interface and intuitive tools
Our platform offers easy-to-use tools and interfaces such as the creation of
the descritpive card of your hotel or accommodation multi-language(French, English, Spanish), the display of 18 photos, a discussion thread with the client and automatic quote generation.
| Leaflet Hotelier |
| Leaflet Lessor |
Try it and see, in just 4 steps, gain new nights1- Register your hotel or accommodation
2- Review the requests
3- Make an offer
4- Welcome your guests
More Information >here <